Good things come in small packages: that’s truer than ever in these small gardens by Anthony Paul Landscape Design. Paul explains, “Strong design and a sense of scale is even more critical within a small garden.” Indeed, you’ll notice here that whether the yard appears to be bigger than the house or just a “postage-stamp” out back, a sense of scale makes both halves work well together. Paul goes on to more specifics: “Geometry and block, bold planting are key to ensuring that areas surrounding a house are uncluttered and visually enlarged.” Take a look at a deck surrounded by water and hemmed in by a high retaining wall; the result is an ultimate clean, uncluttered look, cozy at the same time.
High grasses, colorful coneflowers, and reeds complete the effect.
Monochromatic schemes work wonders in small spaces: rich purple harmonizes with silvery cedar or pure white, while it contrasts appealingly with yellow furnishings. In a yard with an incline, terraces are a great touch; a few steps up or down gives you separate outdoor “rooms, ” visually expanding the area nicely. Varying foliage from terrace to terrace adds yet more visual interest, as well as color and scent. And then there’s always the perennial draw of water…in any form. Paul agrees: “No matter how small the garden, I still always like to incorporate water — as a small pond or even perhaps just an ornamental bowl with water lilies.” From rooftop gardens in containers to terraced steps and ponds, small spaces flourish and bloom under the touch of a professional like Anthony Paul.