We here at the BYU-Idaho Horticulture Department are loving VizTerra!As the Design/Build Instructor I have seen a marked difference in the learning rate of my students since using VizTerra:
- Because using VizTerra is such a visual experience, the students understand better what they are designing and get immediate visual feedback on the quality of their design. They can see for themselves whether their ideas are effective or not, without me having to convince them with words.
- The students love using Vizterra; this brings more passion into learning. When you love what you are doing, you put more effort into it.
- Using this program makes the student feel more confident and professional in what they are presenting. For many students, learning to draw and sketch at a professional level is difficult. This program is allowing them to produce a professional product that makes them all feel like artists. I have had three students get full-time employment as designers, thanks in large part to the quality of their presentations using VizTerra.
- I have been able to train our students to be more effective salespeople. With every VizTerra exercise, the students are required to orally present their design. What I have seen is that with the visual model and screenshots, it helps them to more clearly, passionately, and confidently present their ideas.
Here is an example of a student project. When this student incorporated that into his portfolio this spring, he was hired by one of the most respected Landscape Design/Build firms in the country! It can’t get any better than that.

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Viz Terra - 3D Landscape Design by Lightfoot Enterprises ...