You may think that it is too early to start thinking about your spring landscaping design, but that it certainly not the case. As we head into March, it is the perfect time to get some ideas percolating so that when the crocuses and daffodils are poking their heads up above the grass line, you’ll be ready to start gardening. Here are some great front years landscaping design ideas for early spring in NJ.
This might be the year that you decide that you want to create an overall theme for your front yard landscape to help you integrate all of the different aspects of your yard and home. Front yard landscaping is typically different from backyard landscaping in that this is the image that you are presenting to visitors and the general public, but that does not mean that you cannot tie in some elements from your backyard. Some fun front yard themes include rustic, traditional, butterfly gardens, cottage, Zen, and formal. You may want to make your front yard a grand entrance to your home, or make your home seem more welcoming.
Take an Impartial Look from the Street
It may be helpful to go outside and look at your home from the street. Examine the way your current landscape is set up, and think about how you might want to go about changing it. You may even want to take a picture or two from different angles of your home to use as a reference as you go about dreaming up your new landscape – you may not want to stand outside in the cold for long.
Spring Planting
Looking out at your front yard now, envision a blank canvas that you can use to plot out what you would like your front yard landscape to look like come spring. This can be an excellent time to start thinking about putting in some new spring plants or even some flowering trees that you can enjoy for many springs to come.
Consider Perennials, Plants, and Trees
It can be helpful to think about what perennial plants you already have in your landscape when you go about putting in new spring flowers. If you find that you don’t have a lot of different perennial spring flowers, it may be time to change that. These first signs of spring are a lovely addition to any landscape. Some great spring flowering plants include the before mentioned crocuses and daffodils, but you can also consider witch hazel, primrose, tulips, peonies, snowdrop, jack in the pulpit, camellia, pansy, trillium, and lily of the valley. These plants may start blooming at different times in the spring, so you can be creative in the way that they are planted to allow them to play off of each other. Some flowering trees that do well in New Jersey include dogwood, cherry, silverbell, redbud, and crab apple.
Remember the Porch and Other Details
Don’t forget your front porch as you start thinking of your spring landscape. You can always add touches of spring here, as well. Containers are a great way to go for porches. You can add hooks for hanging containers, or just add a few standing planter containers in strategic areas around the porch. Container gardening is a wonderful way to complement your front yard and bring more color closer to your home.
Dare To Be Different
Spring is a wonderful time to make updates to your home, and this certainly holds true to your home’s landscape. Maybe this is the year that you do something a little different in your front yard to enjoy for years to come. Some design ideas that spring to mind are irrigation systems, new pathways, planting a garden, and installing raised beds. Updating your irrigation system as you put in new spring plants can be a great way to go since the installer will have an easier path to get them in without you having to worry about if your blooming plants will be trampled.
Edging, Pathways and Raised Beds
You may also want to think about planting edgings around your current paths leading to your home, change the way that the path meanders or doesn’t meander through your yard, or even put in new paving materials for the path. Installing raised beds can be a great idea in the spring. Raised beds look wonderful, are often easier to care for, and add a nice design element.
Spring is a time of new awakening, and now is the perfect time to look at how your front yard landscape is going to look when spring arrives. This is quite a bit of food for thought for you to consider as time moves forward. You may or may not know what will work best in your yard or if your vision will look right. A professional landscaper is an excellent choice to help you get your landscape looking its best. They can help you to fine tune your ideas to get you the front yard that you’ve always wanted.