Creating your new deck is easy with the Deck Builder Wizard - just select materials and dimensions to create your space, then add plants, fences and accessories for that finished look!
Make your property’s outdoor living space totally unique with custom features that work for every season.
Add lighting to flowerbeds, shrubbery and pathways, plus pop-up sprinklers with different spray ranges. See Your Landscape Design Seasonally
Build fences and gates with complete control over the number of posts, post size and rotation.
Visualizing your new Landscaping is easy - just import your digital photos, add plants, fences and accessories and within minutes, you’ll have created a new, distinctive outdoor space!
Simply drag and drop trees, plants, and flowers from our massive plant library. Even see the size of plats as they grow from year to year, making planning easy. Then view your space in 3D to fine-tune your design.
Our Plant Encyclopedia has more than 7, 500 trees, plants, flowers, shrubs and groundcover options with important information about light, watering and soil requirements.